Medical Gadgets, Tech News

Leveraged Freedom Chair is really Going Places!


When I was kid, I had a dirt bike accident and broke my leg. I spent that entire summer confined to a wheelchair, forget the fact that I couldn’t swim because of the cast, and my leg was hot and itchy for the whole 10 weeks, I hated the wheelchair. I could never get anywhere fast enough, my arms hurt, and well, lets face it, there hasn’t been too much wheelchair innovation in a long while. What if I really needed that chair for a long time? What if I needed it forever, and what if I lived in a country that didn’t have all the ramps and sidewalk accessibility that I always took for granted? 

Please check out the Leveraged Freedom Chair, being developed here in the United States, this unique and high performance wheelchair is being designed specifically with helping the disabled located in developing countries in mind. The Freedom Chair has variable gears, depending on where your hands grab the removable levers, and it was built to go off-road, the option to use leverage in order to propel the chair instead of only being able to turn the wheels with your hands, gives you a lot more torque with less effort, enabling you to conquer hills, rocks and more rugged terrain.

With over 20 – 40 million people in developing countries living in rural areas, needing the assistance of a wheelchair, this new Freedom Chair is a life altering accomplishment. A collaboration of efforts between Continuum and MIT’s Mobility Lab, the Freedom Chair will, no doubt, change the lives and lifestyles of millions of people who can now get out of their homes, go to school, or work, or simply get on with the business of caring for themselves or their families. Yes! they will be sold here in the U.S.A, and the best part? Buy one for yourself, and 3 will go to a developing country. Now thats what I call a good deal. No word yet on pricing, but I’ll keep you posted. Check out the video here.

One review or comment

Atem Says: May 19, 2014 at 6:16 am

how to I purchase one for my personal use. Since i live in a mountainous terrain and the roads here are not good too, I really feel lfc will be my best option. please help me where to purchase one. thank you

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