Vehicle Gadgets

Skully P1 Helmet will let motorcyclists see behind and in front


Riding a motorcycle can be extremely dangerous. People in cars and larger vehicles seem to have little respect for those on a bike because of their ability to move through traffic a little bit faster (whether or not they’re supposed to). This is of course, extremely foolish, as they are far more protected inside of their metal covered vehicle than those on a motorbike. It’s pretty impossible to take a call or send text messages while you ride unless you have a death wish.


Of course, there are all sorts of pricey equipment out there that will let you call friends, or listen to music. However, I can’t say I’ve come across something like the Skully P1 Helmet before. This takes motorist connectivity quite seriously, and the most interesting feature is that there is a rear view camera that will show 180 degrees of what is behind you while you ride.

This heads up display appears to be several feet in front of you, and is advertised to not distract you on the road. It is capable of taking voice commands for texting, calls, navigation and more. This is a helmet you have to charge via micro USB, but one good charge should have you set for around 9 hours. At the present, there isn’t any pricing or availability just yet, but as the holiday season creeps ever closer, you can bet more information will surface soon. It is said to have a 2014 release date.

More information at Skully, found via technabob

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