Childrens Gadgets, Toys

NERF Triad Elite 3-Dart Mini Blaster


When was the last time you had plenty of fun around the office with your colleagues, or at home in your own backyard with the kids? Surely getting a set of NERF guns to play with would help lighten up the seriousness of a particular situation, and it is great at building bridges in a safe and healthy manner. Well, assuming you are the type who feel it is best to take the enemy “out” before he or she is able to reach you, then the $9.99 NERF Triad Elite 3-Dart Mini Blaster would seem to be the ideal weapon of choice.

After all, the NERF Triad Elite 3-Dart Mini Blaster is capable of firing three shots at a range of 75 feet away. 75 feet! That’s really far, and it shoots three darts, not simultaneously, but one at a time, from that great a distance. The smart technology involved here will let the NERF Triad Elite 3-Dart Mini Blaster know just which barrels are loaded, hence directing air to those barrels only without you going through the motions of a misfire. Surely it is never too early to prepare for a summer that is filled with fun, right?

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